
New waste pickup options for townhouses


There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for waste collection, especially for townhouses.

Based on previous feedback from townhouse residents, we're offering your townhouse complex new waste pickup options.

We've asked townhouse board of directors and property managers to choose a new waste pickup option for your complex.

You can look up your board of directors with your townhouse corporation number.

Pickup options and what was considered

  1. Review the waste pickup options your Board of Directors chose from for your complex.
  2. Review the waste service aspects that were considered for making a final decision.

Townhouse waste pickup options

The board of directors for your townhouse complex will use your feedback to choose a new waste pickup option. Each of these options will make storing your waste easier and more convenient.


Your complex will choose either recycling bags or bins.

If your complex chooses bins for recycling, then you can choose a small, medium, or large recycling bin for your household unit.


You can choose a small, medium, or large garbage bin for your household unit.


Small and medium-sized organics bins are new options for townhouses, in addition to the large bin that's currently available.

Your board of directors will choose one organics bin size for your entire complex.

Once your board makes their decisions:

  • You, as a resident, will choose your bin size for garbage or recycling (or both).
  • Your board of directors will still choose the green bin size for the entire complex.

If none of these options are suitable:

  • Your complex can stay on bag-based collection for garbage and recycling.
  • Your board of directors will still choose the green bin size for the entire complex.

Waste service aspects that were considered

Waste storage

Waste storage


We understand that storage space is important to you.

Each waste pickup option has unique space considerations, so consider which option works best for you.

While waste bags can take up less space than waste bins, the bins come in 3 sizes. This means you can choose the bin that best suits your storage needs.

Some options also offer a mix of waste bins and bags.

Animal and pest prevention


Animal and pest prevention

Is animal and pest prevention important to you? Compared to waste bags, waste bins are more durable and secure. They're also harder for animals and pests to get into. Consider how each waste pickup option addresses this concern.




Tired of seeing litter in and around your complex? Plastic bags that are ripped or incorrectly tied can cause more litter than bins with secure lids.

Using bags


Using bags

If your new waste pickup option includes bags, you'll need to continue buying your own garbage and recycling bags.

Environmental benefits


Environmental benefits

How much does the effect of waste on the environment matter to you? Waste bins are a greener choice because:

  • They let drivers collect more recyclables on a route. This means fewer trucks on the road and a lower carbon footprint.
  • They reduce the number of plastic bags residents use. This helps to keep unnecessary waste out of landfill.
  • They've helped residents make better choices for how they can reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste.

Convenience and ease of use


Convenience and ease of use

Convenience means different things to different people. Results have shown that using waste bins helps make sorting waste simpler. Many residents tell us they prefer to roll a bin rather than carry bags to the end of their driveway.

Property standards


Property standards

Your complex may be limited to certain options based on its property standards (for example, by-laws and restrictions). If you have questions, check with your property manager.

The future of recycling


Phe future of recyclin

Recycling in Ontario is going to change. Companies that produce recyclables will manage recycling instead. This means the way recycling is collected in your complex might change

Sizes and types of bins

Your new waste pickup options offer bins in varying sizes. Learn more about the different sizes and how they impact your waste collection. 1

Organics bins

Small (46 L)
Medium (80 L)
Large (100 L)

Garbage bins

Small (120 L)

Holds approximately 1 – 2 bags of garbage.

Medium (240 L)

Holds approximately 3 – 4 bags of garbage.

Large (360 L)

Holds approximately 4 – 5 bags of garbage.

Recycling bins

Small (120 L)

Holds approximately 2 blue boxes.

Medium (240 L)

Holds approximately 4 blue boxes.

Large (360 L)

Holds approximately 6 blue boxes.

1 Images of bins are for illustrative purposes only.

New waste service timeline

Your new waste pickup option will be rolled out over a few months in stages.

Stage 1. Board of directors engagement End of 2021 (Complete)

Peel Region has engaged with your Board of Directors and Property Management to share the new waste pickup service options and to help them better understand their decision-making process for this change.

Stage 2. Resident engagement (Complete)

We’ve shared this service change initiative with townhouse residents, telling them what it's about and how they can help to make the best decision for their complex.

Your Board of Directors and Property Managers have contacted you about sharing your feedback.

Stage 3. Resident participation in decision-making (Complete)

Your Board of Directors has invited you to participate in the decision-making process. Peel Region has supported you and your Board of Directors and Property Management by providing updates and answering your questions.

Stage 4. Final decision Early 2023

Based on your feedback, your Board of Directors will choose the best pickup option for your complex and complete the selection form by January 31, 2023.

Stage 5. Rollout

Once your Board of Directors finalizes their decision, Peel Region will share details on when and how your new waste pickup option will be implemented.

Waste bin option update

After careful consideration, the Townhouse Waste Collection Conversion Project has been paused until 2026. If you have a question or concern, please contact your Property Manager or Board of Directors (or both), or email the Waste Management Team. We thank you for your understanding.

Contact us

The Region of Peel will be working directly with your townhouse complex board of directors and property management. If you have questions about the new waste pickup options, contact your property manager.

Email the Waste Management Team for further inquiries.